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Share some ACSS 7220X exam questions and answers below.
Refer to the Exhibits.
The SIP call flow made from an Avaya Communicator Remote Worker is on the left, and the call flow made from a 96X1 telephone Remote Worker is on the right.
When comparing the two call flows, which statement is true?
A. There is no difference between the two.
B. Avaya Aura® Communication Manager does full call model processing for the SIP-to-SIP call flow and does half-call model processing for the SIP-to-Communicator call flow.
C. The Communicator does not register to Avaya Aura® Session Manager.
D. The Communicator registers to Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE).
Answer: A
What statement about the H.323 to SIP routing is true?
A. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does feature processing for both endpoints.
B. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does feature processing for H.323 endpoint only.
C. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does feature processing for SIP endpoint only.
D. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does not do feature processing for any endpoint in this scenario.
Answer: A
Which two SIP requests are used to allow an AST endpoint to use features provided by an Avaya Aura ? Communication Manager (CM)? (Chose two).
Answer: D,E
Refer to the Exhibit.
Which two statements about a call from AST 1011111 to Remote Worker AST 1011112 are true? (Choose two.)
A. Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) periodically sends SIP Options to 1011112 looking for a 200 ok response to check it is reachable.
B. SIP Signaling traverses the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) and the Media must bypass the SBCE.
C. As far as Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM) is concerned, all Remote Worker phones are registering from an IP address equal to the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) Remote Worker Private IP address.
D. Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) needs to be built as a trusted SIP Entity and Entity link for remote workers.
E. The configuration of a Remote Worker AST is the same as an Office Worker AST in the Avaya Aura® System Manager (SMGR) user profiles.
Answer: C,E
A customer called Avaya Support after their telecom administrator was unable to add 50 new telephones for new hires. Avaya support determined that the number of telephones exceeded the capacity the system could support. Which pre-implementation step was omitted?
A. Access to verify customer systems compatibility.
B. Test all third-party equipment and software.
C. Verify version installed is compatible with existing versions.
D. Provide accurate licensing specification.
Answer: D
Which two statements regarding the core architecture in the Avaya Aura? 7 solution are true? (Choose two.)
A. SIP trunks can only be configured on Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
B. SIP user Agents register with Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
C. SIP User Agents can register to Avaya Aura? Communication Manager (CM) or Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
D. Avaya Aura? Media Server (AAMS) cannot connect to Avaya Aura? Communication Manager (CM) without routing via Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
E. Avaya Aura? Media Server (AAMS) connects directly to Avaya Aura? Communication Manager (CM) using SIP.
Answer: B,E
Which two statements regarding the core architecture in the Avaya Aura® 7 solution are true? (Choose two.)
A. SIP trunks can only be configured on Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
B. SIP user Agents register with Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
C. SIP User Agents can register to Avaya Aura® Communication Manager (CM) or Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
D. Avaya Aura® Media Server (AAMS) cannot connect to Avaya Aura® Communication Manager (CM) without routing via Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
E. Avaya Aura® Media Server (AAMS) connects directly to Avaya Aura® Communication Manager (CM) using SIP.
Answer: B,E
If you choose Passtcert to provide you with the pertinence training, you can easily pass the Avaya certification 7220X exam.Compared with other training materials, why Passtcert Avaya 7220X exam answers is more welcomed by the majority of candidates? People always determine a good or bad thing based on the surface. We may have the best products of the highest quality, but if we shows it with a shoddy manner, it naturally will be as shoddy product.
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Share some ACSS 7220X exam questions and answers below.
Refer to the Exhibits.
The SIP call flow made from an Avaya Communicator Remote Worker is on the left, and the call flow made from a 96X1 telephone Remote Worker is on the right.
When comparing the two call flows, which statement is true?
A. There is no difference between the two.
B. Avaya Aura® Communication Manager does full call model processing for the SIP-to-SIP call flow and does half-call model processing for the SIP-to-Communicator call flow.
C. The Communicator does not register to Avaya Aura® Session Manager.
D. The Communicator registers to Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE).
Answer: A
What statement about the H.323 to SIP routing is true?
A. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does feature processing for both endpoints.
B. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does feature processing for H.323 endpoint only.
C. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does feature processing for SIP endpoint only.
D. Avaya Aura Communication Manager does not do feature processing for any endpoint in this scenario.
Answer: A
Which two SIP requests are used to allow an AST endpoint to use features provided by an Avaya Aura ? Communication Manager (CM)? (Chose two).
Answer: D,E
Refer to the Exhibit.
Which two statements about a call from AST 1011111 to Remote Worker AST 1011112 are true? (Choose two.)
A. Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) periodically sends SIP Options to 1011112 looking for a 200 ok response to check it is reachable.
B. SIP Signaling traverses the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) and the Media must bypass the SBCE.
C. As far as Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM) is concerned, all Remote Worker phones are registering from an IP address equal to the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) Remote Worker Private IP address.
D. Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) needs to be built as a trusted SIP Entity and Entity link for remote workers.
E. The configuration of a Remote Worker AST is the same as an Office Worker AST in the Avaya Aura® System Manager (SMGR) user profiles.
Answer: C,E
A customer called Avaya Support after their telecom administrator was unable to add 50 new telephones for new hires. Avaya support determined that the number of telephones exceeded the capacity the system could support. Which pre-implementation step was omitted?
A. Access to verify customer systems compatibility.
B. Test all third-party equipment and software.
C. Verify version installed is compatible with existing versions.
D. Provide accurate licensing specification.
Answer: D
Which two statements regarding the core architecture in the Avaya Aura? 7 solution are true? (Choose two.)
A. SIP trunks can only be configured on Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
B. SIP user Agents register with Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
C. SIP User Agents can register to Avaya Aura? Communication Manager (CM) or Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
D. Avaya Aura? Media Server (AAMS) cannot connect to Avaya Aura? Communication Manager (CM) without routing via Avaya Aura? Session Manager (SM).
E. Avaya Aura? Media Server (AAMS) connects directly to Avaya Aura? Communication Manager (CM) using SIP.
Answer: B,E
Which two statements regarding the core architecture in the Avaya Aura® 7 solution are true? (Choose two.)
A. SIP trunks can only be configured on Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
B. SIP user Agents register with Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
C. SIP User Agents can register to Avaya Aura® Communication Manager (CM) or Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
D. Avaya Aura® Media Server (AAMS) cannot connect to Avaya Aura® Communication Manager (CM) without routing via Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM).
E. Avaya Aura® Media Server (AAMS) connects directly to Avaya Aura® Communication Manager (CM) using SIP.
Answer: B,E
If you choose Passtcert to provide you with the pertinence training, you can easily pass the Avaya certification 7220X exam.Compared with other training materials, why Passtcert Avaya 7220X exam answers is more welcomed by the majority of candidates? People always determine a good or bad thing based on the surface. We may have the best products of the highest quality, but if we shows it with a shoddy manner, it naturally will be as shoddy product.
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